April 9, 2010

Day Eleven

Hello everyone, check out a blog post I was invited to write at http://www.eatlocalchallenge.com/! A thrilling opportunity for this growing project!

Today was not a good day of eating Target food. For lunch I had buffalo flavored macaroni and cheese. I am not sure why I thought this would be good, but somehow it was appealing in the aisle at Target. Let's just say it was not tasty. I ate half and put the rest down the garbage disposal.

For dinner I was in a hurry so stopped at Target to buy a quick dinner. After perusing the aisles, I was at a loss so I grabbed a Lunchable. I also got chocolate milk and an apple. The cheese was rubbery, the meat was slimy, and the crackers were oily. I used to love Lunchables! I guess my taste buds have matured.

It is interesting, I thought that I would love the Target diet. But as my sister-in-law predicted, my body and taste buds have reacted differently. The convenience is great, the variety is great, but I can no longer say that the taste or nutrition is great.

My family and I have been discussing one down side of eating locally. As the world has found its way to a global economy, ethnic food has become available for almost everyone. I was just reading that McDonalds has stores in 125 countries. American food is available worldwide, but it cuts both ways. In today's globalized world, Americans are now able to eat many ethnic food choices and we become aware and respectful of other countries' cultures and food choices.

Since I was a child my family has been eating Indian food because my dad was born there. When my sister visited India this year, she was comfortable eating curries, dahl and other unusual foods. Being used to Indian food since childhood made her respectful and considerate of this ethnic food. By eating only locally grown food, people may lose respect for the diversity in food.

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